
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

I Love Studying.

In Uncategorized on January 19, 2011 at 9:11 pm

Another semester of college has overtaken me. I can’t away from it. And guess what? I don’t mind.

I like learning. We took learning for granted during our high school years, not thinking about the costs. But now, being a college student, I understand. We come to college because we believe it will benefit us in the long run. And in such economics times, the opportunity cost of a college education is probably at its lowest in some time.

I know it’s not only me who goes to college because I want to become filthy rich in the future. I can be filthy rich, and benefit society at the same time. Becoming rich doesn’t make you a bad person.

Well, back on topic. I love studying. I love studying. No, that’s not a typo. I had to say it twice to emphasize my point. The education system of Nevada has taught me to do that. Most people think studying is a chore, and decide to forego it, and suffer the consequences. Those people have to make studying fun. I read the textbooks for enjoyment. If you have the right mindset, any book can be read as fun. Remember, mind over matter. You make the book fun.

Transforming My Body!

In Uncategorized on December 20, 2010 at 11:46 pm

de ja vu all over again. That’s right guys, I’m starting a new diet/ workout routine. Like all the times before, I will say that I will stick to this routine, and won’t stop. I will encourage myself and motivate myself by thinking of what I can become. I know I can do this, I just need to apply myself.

The number one thing I should remember is to not drink any calories. My priority should be to stop drinking soda. It has no benefit for the body. I always try to convince myself to not drink soda, but am convinced by my mind to give in, no matter how hard I try. I don’t know why, but it happens. This small change can lead to much greater things.

Hello world!

In Uncategorized on December 19, 2010 at 12:20 am

Hello World! With this post starts a blogging career that I hope continues for a long time.

In my 19 years of life, I’ve witnessed many great things, and many atrocious things. You’ll learn what they are. I have views on many events that occur on this Earth of ours, and I”ll express them without holding anything back.

My views will change the world.

When I’m done, the world will be a better place.



I didn’t start the fire,
