
Archive for January, 2011|Monthly archive page

I Love Studying.

In Uncategorized on January 19, 2011 at 9:11 pm

Another semester of college has overtaken me. I can’t away from it. And guess what? I don’t mind.

I like learning. We took learning for granted during our high school years, not thinking about the costs. But now, being a college student, I understand. We come to college because we believe it will benefit us in the long run. And in such economics times, the opportunity cost of a college education is probably at its lowest in some time.

I know it’s not only me who goes to college because I want to become filthy rich in the future. I can be filthy rich, and benefit society at the same time. Becoming rich doesn’t make you a bad person.

Well, back on topic. I love studying. I love studying. No, that’s not a typo. I had to say it twice to emphasize my point. The education system of Nevada has taught me to do that. Most people think studying is a chore, and decide to forego it, and suffer the consequences. Those people have to make studying fun. I read the textbooks for enjoyment. If you have the right mindset, any book can be read as fun. Remember, mind over matter. You make the book fun.